Spring Active, Autumn 2014



Spring Active are the only UK based provider of vertically integrated care pathways that follow UK National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines for self-management through to high intensity Combined Physical and Psychological programmes.

In early 2014, Spring Active approached My Clinical Outcomes to implement the ICHOM Low Back Pain Standard Set alongside other measures they were already collecting using pen-and-paper methods. MCO have worked alongside Spring Active to integrate and deploy  the set as described, including building functionality to integrate the Euroqol EQ5D measure according to the specification of ICHOM and in-line with the licensing requirements of Euroqol.

Peter Dines, Chief Executive of Spring Active said, "We are delighted to partner with My Clinical Outcomes to allow our patients to monitor their own progess online before, during and after treatment. We have a vision to collect and publish the largest cohort of back pain outcomes data in the UK and utilising the ICHOM data set we will be able to compare ourselves to our international peers. The My Clinical Outcomes team share our passions for collecting outcomes data and we have been delighted with our experience of working with them to date."

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